
Information about the University of Illinois Observatory

The Instrument collection:

Brief overview of the history from Wikipedia:

National Historic Landmark nomination form, 2001, National Park Service

Article “Illinois-Where astronomical photometry grew up,” by Barry Beaman and Michael Svec, published in the Journal of the American Association of Variable Star Observers, 2012.

University of Illinois Astronomical Society:

Resources on Historic Telescopes and Instrument Collections

The Digital Library for Physics and Astronomy – contains articles by Myers, Stebbins and Baker published in the Astrophysical Journal, Popular Astronomy, and the Astronomical Journal. Search at

The Antique Telescope Society:

“Value of vintage observatories and historic telescopes in communicating astronomy with the public” by Trudy E. Bell

Lick Observatory Historical Collections Project :

Lick Observatory digital archive:

University of Chicago archival photography:

Instruments for Natural Philosophy:

Ladd Observatory Facebook: